Junk cars, although junked, are still of value. Their inner components are made of all sorts of valuable materials that can be repurposed and recycled for the sake of our environment and local economies. Because the profit you can make from selling a junk car is greatly dependent on current market prices for metal and alloy, it is wise to sell your junk car when prices are high. Right now, the metals and materials retrieved from junk cars, like iron and steel, are fair. So now is a good time to sell your junk asset while you can still reap a decent profit.
Continue below to review the current metal prices for iron, steel, and additional common automotive scrap, as well as, where to get paid cash on the spot for your junk car in Indiana.

Automobile Scrap
The most sought-after metals and alloys within junk cars are iron, steel, copper, and precious metal like gold and platinum. Gold and copper can be found within computer systems like GPS and stereos, while platinum can be retrieved from the catalytic converter. Iron, steel, and relative alloys can be found all throughout every other component within a vehicle. The more the car weighs, the more metal it contains, and therefore, the more money it is worth.
Current Metal Prices (as of February 12th, 2020)
? Shreddable Steel – $90.00 per ton
? #1 Steel – $101.00 per ton
? Iron – $66.00 per ton
? Copper – Between $0.47 and $2.05 per pound
? Gold – $1,568.21 per ounce
? Platinum – $967.47 per ounce
? Car/Truck Batteries – $0.20 per pound
? Alternators – $0.14 per pound
? A Complete Car – $84.00 per ton
*Values derived from iscrapp.com
We are Your Leading Indiana Junk Car Buyers
Call Zore’s Inc. at 317-247-8484 to sell a junk car for cash in Indianapolis and its surrounding locations. We are a premiere Central Indiana cash for cars business that pays cash on the spot for any motorized commodity, regardless of age or condition. We accept any and all vehicles, trucks, vans, boats, water crafts, construction equipment, farming equipment, motorcycles, scooters, airplanes, and even used auto parts! Request a free estimate, today.